Current issue

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Clinical Neuropsychiatry
Volume 21, issue 6 – December 2024

Co-Editor in chief psychology: Adriano Schimmenti
Co-Editor in chief psychiatry: Alfonso Troisi

Bimonthly journal published by Giovanni Fioriti Editore srl

ISSN PRINT EDITION: 1724-4935, ISSN ONLINE EDITION: 2385-0787 Language: English.


Article Highlights


Federico Mucci ...
Invited paper

ADHD and ASD are normal biological variations as part of human evolution and are not “disorders”

Annie Swanepoel Key words: neurodiversity, evolution, ADHD, autism, neurodevelopment, variation Recent developments driven by people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and/or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have highlighted that far from...
Systematic review

Understanding Self-Criticism: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Approaches

Vittoria Zaccari, Michela Fazi, Federica Scarci, Valentina Correr, Lucrezia Trani, Maria Grazia Filomena, Valentina Piccione, Stefano Joe Cattan, Maria Giovanna Ginni, Francesca D’Olimpio and Francesco Mancini Key words: self-criticism, qualitative...
Scoping review


Ana Paula Ribeiro, Julia E. Mühlbauer, Marcelo Piquet-Pessôa, Juliana B. de-Salles-Andrade, Carina Félix-da-Silva, Leonardo F. Fontenelle Key words: impulsivity, compulsivity, transdiagnostic, phenotype, questionnaire, self-report, review Objective:...
Research paper

Effects of difficulties in Executive Functions on behavioral and adaptive problems in Italian autistic preschoolers

Roberta Igliozzi, Romina Cagiano, Marta Berni, Chiara Pecini, Valentina Viglione, Gabriele Masi, Filippo Muratori, Sara Calderoni, Raffaella Tancredi Key words: executive functions, autism spectrum disorder, adaptive behavior, ASD symptoms, behavioral...
Research paper

The motor melody in action planning: the case of autistic children and their non-autistic siblings

Maria Chiara Bazzini, Antonio Narzisi, Gaia Scarpini, Emilia Scalona, Gianina Bruzzi, Angela Russo, Valentina Viglione, Gabriele Masi, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Cristina Berchio, Maddalena Fabbri-Destro Key words: action planning, motor abnormalities in autism,...
Research paper

Assessing the Fear of COVID-19 in psychiatric patients: results from an italian multicentric study

Roberto Nava, Beatrice Benatti, Nicolaja Girone, Monica Macellaro, Cristian Pellicioli, Laura Maggioni, Matteo Marcatili, Bernardo Dell’Osso, Massimo Clerici Key words: covid19, mentalhealth, psychiatry, fear Objective: Even though the COVID-19 emergency...
Research paper

An instrument for evaluating the self: the Self-Discrepancies Scale in non-clinical participants

Martine Bouvard, Arnaud Carré, Nathalie Fournet, Céline Douilliez, Céline Baeyens, Pierre Philippot Key words: ideal self, Self-Discrepancies Scale, socially prescribed self, unwanted trait, wanted trait Objective: The Self-Discrepancies Scale (S-DS)...

English Books | Giovanni Fioriti Editore

€30,00 Ebook
edited by Donatella Marazziti

“Clinical Psychopharmacotherapy is a comprehensive look at the entire spectrum of mental disorders and their treatments featuring a tour de force of Italian experts, scientists and clinicians.  It is up to date, and should serve as a most useful reference now that it is available in English.  Congratulations to the contributors and editor”.

Stephen M. Stahl
University of California, San Diego

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€9,00 Ebook

The COVID-19 pandemic has led the government to extend and reinforce their recommendations for influenza vaccination, and several Italian Regions have made it obligatory for elderly people and healthworkers. Right now, however, the most reliable studies in the elderly have shown it is useful only in people with active heart disease. For people without heart problems there is no strong evidence in its favor. The same seems true for indiscriminate vaccination of pregnant women and children. For health workers too there is no proof of net benefit, and anyway the obligation does not seem compatible with current practice.

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0,00 Ebook
edited by Paula Weerkamp-Bartholomeus

ReAttach is focusing on the similarity in cognitive processing of information, emotions and events. The underlying structure of ReAttach is based on ortho-paedagogical influencing, obstructing factors and facilitating optimal conditions for cognitive functioning and growth.


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19,00 Ebook
by Francesco Colotta

This book wants to recapitulate the cellular and molecular mechanism underlying the adaptative and evolutionary nature of cancer and to discuss how we might take advantage from considering cancer an adaptative and evolutionary disease to design new strategies for cancer therapy and prevention.


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19,00 Ebook
by Frauke Schultze-Lutter, Jean Addington, Stephan Ruhrmann, Joachim Klosterkötter

The Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument originates in the basic symptom concept first described by Gerd. Basic symptoms are subtle, subclinical self-experienced disturbances in drive, stress tolerance, affect, thinking, speech, perception and motor action, which are phenomenologically clearly distinct from psychotic symptoms.

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Letter to the editor
by Giulio Vannini


CiteScore 2023: 11.1

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